Why I Mastermind and Why You Should Too

I started an official mastermind group 4 years ago.  But I’ve actually been part of mastermind groups long before that.  You probably have been too.  You see, mastermind groups can be just two people brainstorming together over a shared problem or obstacle. Napoleon Hill is credited for coining the phrase mastermind when he researched over 200 successful men in the early 1900’s. 

What he was looking for was common ground.  If I were Mr. Hill, I can imagine the list of questions I would be armed with if I had the opportunity to sit down with the likes of a Rockefeller or Vanderbilt. 

To what do you attribute your success?  What were your parents like?  Did they make you study all day?  What helped you succeed even in the face of setbacks and challenges?  Did you come from an affluent background?  The best prep schools?  Are you an extrovert?  Where did you get your entrepreneurial spirit?

But what I would discover after this barrage of questions is what Mr. Hill discovered.  The common ground came not from backgrounds or pedigrees, but in the power of the mind.  More specifically, the power of the master minds. 

Each of these successful people attributed their success to surrounding themselves with people, often in the form of a board, that helped them strategize, see new perspectives, and overcome obstacles in ways they couldn’t see on their own. 

So, what can you expect from a mastermind?  Here are 4 main outcomes I’ve experienced from participating in a mastermind group in the past 4 years. 

1.      Mastermind groups have helped me gain clarity.  While assembled with a group of other high-level thinkers, I’ve been able to talk through opportunities and ideas I’ve encountered.  Through these sessions, I’ve been able to hone in on my purpose in life and how I can best use my strengths to fulfill that purpose. 

2.      Mastermind groups helped me increase my income.  Often, we’re unwilling or unable to see the value we bring to the marketplace.  When successful people confirm your worth and show you how to put a dollar figure on that, the sky is the limit on what you can earn.

3.      Mastermind groups helped me see my worth after being fired.  Losing my job equaled losing my identity.  Through my groups I realized this was just another stepping stone on my path to where I ultimately was supposed to go anyway.  It would have taken me much longer to rebound from that gut check had I not had the support and encouragement of my group.

4.      Mastermind groups helped me reach for my dreams.  Have you ever had an idea or dream, but are too afraid to pursue it?  Or didn’t even know where to start?  Yeah, me too.  But when you bring these ideas to a group of go-getters, they’ll tell you all the reasons why it will work instead of letting you camp on all the things that could go wrong.  A group of successful people will have ideas on where to start, networks to help you get going, and support when you’re not sure where to go next.  It’s a must have for anyone working on a new project outside your comfort zone.  Someone else has already done what you want to do, so why not capitalize on their knowledge to help you through?

One of the best parts of mastermind groups, is you gain a lifelong support system of people who care about your success.  Having a personal board of directors to help you with the tough stuff is the best decision you can make for your future.  After joining a mastermind group, you’ll look back a year from now with astonishment at how far you’ve come.

Momentum Mastermind groups are starting now.  Click here to learn more about this life-changing tool.


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