The award that meant the most to me was "Most Encouraging." I won it when I was a cheerleader and took that to heart. I’m always there cheering for people while they are on the stage. It’s a job I love and I’ll never give up. I’ve had many people who have cheered me on in my life and career. One of my first shaped how I handled myself in the business world.
I started in banking after receiving a finance degree from the University of Oklahoma. While I started as a lender, I believed that management better met my skills and passions. I can see and develop strengths in people that they don’t recognize in themselves.
After attending the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Colorado, I was asked to serve on a bank board and eventually served as president.
Then I was fired.
The team and the place I called home for 14 years was moving on without me due to circumstances beyond my control. I was devastated to say the least. I had poured my life into making sure our team loved where they worked, our clients were raving fans, and our shareholders got the best return we could give. I felt I had lived up to my part, but still, it was all gone.
“A setback is a setup for a comeback.”
My Dad has always been a positive influence in my life and during this time I hung onto one of his snippets of poetic wisdom like it was a lifeline. He said often: "A setback is a setup for a comeback." All I had to do was hang on, keep moving forward and prepare for the comeback. I did a lot of soul searching during that time.
Eventually, I did find a wonderful job again in a new city with a growing, caring bank that I love. But I wanted to do more. So I started running mastermind groups and leadership training fueled by two decades of experience. I focused on women in business across industries. Through this I found my purpose in life: To lead, coach and inspire women to be all God created them to be.
Then I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was 42.
But then God restored my health as well as my belief in myself. Not only did I experience a comeback, but He brought me back to a better place than I was before. And that’s why I’m here today, telling you my story. Because I believe you can have success. I believe you can go to the next level. But I believe you can do it differently than I did. I believe you can have both personal and professional success in a healthy way that doesn’t risk your life, your energy or your happiness.
You will have setbacks. You will have times when you wonder if it is all worth it. If you surround yourself with a group of high-level thinkers who encourage you to look at your circumstances not as a victim but as a victor who overcomes with the strength of God, then you will make it.
Let me help you learn how.
Rotary Rhythm & Brews Event
Rotary Year in Review Video
Lifestyle Movers and Shakers Award
US News & World Report https://health.usnews.com/health-care/patient-advice/articles/2018-10-12/youre-now-more-apt-to-get-a-breast-cancer-diagnosis-by-phone-is-that-ok
KTUL Channel 8 https://ktul.com/good-day-tulsa/segments/rotary-club-of-tulsas-rhythm-brews?jwsource=em