How Affirmations Took me to Canada
Hello, from Toronto, Canada! The weather is a gorgeous 75 degrees. Yesterday we toured a castle, took in breathtaking views from the CN Tower, and ate a scrumptious dinner on Lake Ontario last night watching the sun set over outgoing sailboats,
I wanted to share this with you because I'm living out one of my affirmations. And I want to help you create your own powerful affirmations, because they work!
A couple of years ago, I journaled about how I wanted my life to look. In great detail I described how I wanted to travel. I love an adventure, and seeing new places really floats my boat. I named several places I would like to see, and feelings I would like to have as I traveled with my family around the world.
I also wrote about relationships, income goals, and earning enough for irrational generosity. I covered it all.
Several of the things on that page have already come true. And in even better ways than I played them out in my head. God says He will do more than we ask, think, or imagine (Ephesians 3:20-21). And I've found this to be true over and over again.
Here's how He surprised me this time. While I was dreaming of traveling, I was thinking I needed to earn enough and save enough money to travel. Which of course I do. However, this trip came as a gift to me through volunteering with Rotary International.
I have been part of Rotary for about 10 years. We do good in the world and in our communities by helping people in need. Over one million Rotarians around the world focus on providing clean water, eradicating Polio, helping women and children, and the list goes on. I'm proud to be a Rotarian, and even more excited that recently I was selected to serve as President of my local club in 2019.
Because I am President Elect this year, I got to travel to our international conference in Toronto. And as President next year, I'll travel to Hamburg, Germany. I never dreamed this. I was dreaming but God had an even bigger dream for me. To get to combine two things I love, Rotary and travel, is a great gift.
So how do you work on your own dreams? I love using affirmations because it plants positive thoughts in your subconscious mind, and then you're open to all the opportunities that come your way disguised as luck.
Here's how to use affirmations on a daily basis:
1) Write out in great detail what you want. Don't worry about how you will accomplish this. Just write what your heart really desires.
2) Choose one goal or desire that really speaks to you.
3) Write out a sentence as a positive affirmation of what you want as if it has already happened. Begin with, "I am so happy and grateful now that...."
4) Write it out on notecards to carry with you or leave on your desk so you see if often and read it aloud any time you do.
5) Write this statement 10 times/day. Each time you write with your hand (not typing), it drives those thoughts deeper into your subconscious mind, forming new neuropathways, helping raise your belief that it can actually happen.
Next, I'm off to see beautiful Niagra Falls. What will you dream of? Take some time today to write out your affirmation and believe it (or something better) will happen.
How have you used affirmations in your life? Comment below. Your wins help others in our community to help build their beliefs.